The Venn Diagram that changed our marriage.

When we were first married, a pastor told us to “Try to See our Differences as God’s provision for balance in our marriage.” Honesty, this statement sounded more like wishful thinking or a fantasy statement, than real advice. Perhaps you are responding the same way. We wish we would have tried harder to see how this is true, because after 33 years of marriage, appreciating this fact, more than any other truth, has had a profound impact on our lives. We can almost hear the reaction to this statement through [...]

By |2018-07-12T13:16:56-05:00July 12th, 2018|General|Comments Off on The Venn Diagram that changed our marriage.

Good Grief!

When you are parenting a child with special needs, there often is a sense of loss ... a loss of dreams, expectations and your own independence. And with loss, comes grieving.  Unlike some other circumstances where there is grieving, when there is a child with special needs, grief often recycles and rears its ugly head at life’s milestones. When our daughter turned 16 there weren’t jokes about her getting her driver’s license or dating.  Milestones often can "remind” us of your loss and trigger all those feelings that come with [...]

By |2018-06-28T06:21:48-05:00June 28th, 2018|Grieving|1 Comment

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